E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Dustin Gyger
Updated On: January 31, 2025
Kessia: Hi, my name is Kessia. I'm from New Jersey and I'm so obsessed with my new bike. This is the Evryjourney and I love this color so much. I try to ride my bike every single day for at least 30 minutes in my neighborhood. I'm so obsessed and my favorite thing about my bike is because it is so comfortable. So I'm sure you're gonna love it.
2nd Rider: What's up, guys? I recently got a new bike from AO Women's Bicycle. This is the Jackie style so it's kind of like a light blue tone to it. It's almost like gives you that retro vintage vibe from like the 70s. Has the leather handles and then the level 10 gear shift. I put flowers on the back just because I thought it made it look cute but this is such an awesome bike and we recently moved into a new home so I'm excited to use these on all the back roads and the beach as well.
Rosa: Hey guys, my name is Rosa. I am based in New Jersey, New York City area, and today I want to talk to you guys about my new baby. It is the Reach Your Destination bike from sixthreezero. I was in the market for a new bike and I searched for a few months I came across the sixthreezero brands and what I loved about them is that their website has a ton of different varieties of bikes they even have a quick little body fit that you can do just to see if the bike is appropriate for you, like, hiding your weight, which I love. So let's talk a little bit about Reach Your Destination. I love that it looks like a cruiser bike, but it has the functionality of a hybrid comfort bike. The wheels are perfect whether I'm riding around town or if I want to take the bike, like, on the trail if the seat itself is super comfortable. It provides great back and hip support. And I love that the grips are made of synthetic leather material, so they don't make your hands sweaty or anything. The bike is super comfortable. It's super lightweight, so you can carry it around if you put it on a bike rack or whatever the case may be. It comes pre-assembled, so it's super easy to put together. You can either follow the instructions in the instructions manual or write on the website. They also have videos on how to put it together. I love that sixthreezero offers free shipping, which is a huge plus for me. They're US-based, so if you have any questions, their customer service team is always available to answer your concerns. Loving my bike, and can't wait to take it out for a spin.
Courtney: Hi, my name is Courtney. I live in Seattle, Washington, and I have the Audrey bike. I love this bike so much. I chose it partly because it was just beautiful. I loved the white with the leather details on the seat and the handlebars. But I also chose it because I'm only 5'1", and I've always had a hard time finding bikes that aren't too big for me. And this bike is the perfect size. It's super easy to ride, and comfy. And I've been riding all over Seattle in it, and I just love it so much.
Dani: Hi, my name is Dani. I live in Wilmington, North Carolina, and I have the Audrey bike. I love this bike. I think it is so beautiful with the delicate details of the leather seat and the leather handlebars. I plan to add a basket on the front of my bike and a child seat on the back, so hopefully I'll be able to start ramping up my rides from about one mile to hopefully three or four miles so I can take my daughter with me. I think this bike is absolutely beautiful. It's perfect for short rides or long rides and the size is absolutely amazing for my body. I am five foot four. It's super comfortable and the assembly was so easy.
Nonnie: Hey everybody, it's Nonnie. Look what I've got, a bicycle! This is the EvryJourney Casual 7-Speed Bicycle in the cream colour. The thing I like about the sixthreezero bicycle is the timeless style and the modern comfort. Look at this seat. It is so comfortable. And y'all know anything about me, you know. Comfort is my thing. It also has a low step right here, so it makes it like really easy to get on and off, which is important for me because I'm short. It's got 26-inch wheels with two-inch semi-slick tires that provide excellent roll and a cushion stable ride. It's also lightweight aluminium, and has a lightweight aluminum frame, so it makes it easy for maneuvering and picking I can even pick it up. It's nice. Front and rear handbrakes make it easy to stop. The whole bicycle is just designed for comfort. It's also good for riders with knee or back pain. I don't have that problem, but if you do or you know someone who does, they can still ride a bicycle. So it'll be nice to know that I can do that for lots of years to come. Let's take it for a ride. Thank you. Alright, let's check this bicycle out. Look how pretty it is. I love the grips on the handlebars. There's that seat. It's so nice and cushy. The pedals are nice because they're wide and have a nice grip on them. Reflectors so you can ride at night. Be safe. It's just so pretty. I'm gonna be doing lots of riding on this bicycle.
Rider (Wife): And we have some new bikes, some e-bikes from sixthreezero and so far we're enjoying them. So we thought we'd show you guys those and take a little spin and then we'll try to get over them. We like these bikes so far. We've never had e-bikes before.
Rider (Husband): I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I do. I enjoy biking but the older I get the less I want to pedal. So these things are just... You can pedal if you want to, but, with the battery power on the back of here, they're so great. You got a throttle, or you can adjust it where it pedals, you know, where it throttles with you while you pedal. So that's cool. And here in Florida, it's year-round pretty much weather where you can bike in. And so we love it. We do want to get a carrier so the kids can go along.
Rider (Wife): Like a little bike trailer or something. But it is nice because you can get exercise if you want, and yet you don't have to. This little battery pack back here, easily just slides off and this is how you charge it then.
Rider (Husband): So take the battery pack right into the house. Yeah, you know, so we don't have to have wires in your garage. We don't have enough receptacles in our garage, so it's nice to take the battery pack, put the key in there, slide this battery pack off there take it right into the house and charge it. Rider (Wife): This bike specifically is the Evryjourney 250-watt motor. I think, and it's like in the matte black, this is the men's, but it's just a sleek frame. I like it. This is the EvryJourney in the Navy, but it has a 500-watt motor in it.
Rider (Husband): Beautiful bike. I love the leather.
Rider (Wife): Yeah, and it's just, it's like built in a way that like you sit up nice and straight, and yet it's got like a low frame so I can easily just step on it. I love that part.
Rider (Husband): We've enjoyed it so far.
Rider (Wife): sixthreezero has a discount code for you guys if you're interested in purchasing a bike, 10% off, 1.10. I'll put the links and everything in the description box. They also don't have just e-bikes. They have regular bikes. They have three-wheeled bikes, which are very popular here in Florida among the Amish community and stuff over in Pinecraft. And so you can get three-wheeled bikes too. Lots of great variety. I will have that information down there if you're looking for it.
Rider (Husband): Don't mind me. I'm just going to go on a ride. This is just the coolest thing. You can push a button on a pedal bike and it'll go.