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Sharing My E Trike Experience as a 70 Year Old: Why as a Senior I've Loved this Electric Tricycle

This is my sixthreezero Easy Transit folding trike. Let me start by saying that I'm 70 years old and I was getting a little afraid of riding a two-wheeler, yet I wanted to take bike rides with my family. So I looked into this bike and what I liked about it was the low step-through. It's easy for me to get on and I feel very comfortable because it's low to the ground because of the small tires. I feel very confident riding it and I'm able to keep up with my family on bike rides, which I couldn't do before. Last week we took our ride to the beach because we live very close to the beaches, about a mile away, and there's a bridge we have to go over that has an incline.

I'm able to use the power assist pedaling on this and I was able to keep up with the family. It was a lot of fun and it was something that I couldn't do before I bought this trike. I'm very happy with it and I feel very safe riding it. Another thing I like about this trike, I can either pedal it to get exercise or I can put it on a power assist. Merely press this button, and that gives me some assistance with my pedaling, and there are several different numbers I can choose from. I can just put it on Pedal Assist 1, which gives me a little bit of help, which seems to be enough. I can also push the throttle and just go electric when I'm going up hills or need to catch up.

So many things I love about this trike, and I'm so happy that I got it. This bike is very easy to charge. This is the charger and all to do is plug it in right here into the battery and this end into the electric and just leave it and you're good to go. Thank you.


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