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Reverse Trike First Time Ride! This Electric Reverse Trike is A Lot of Fun! EBike Review

Dustin: All right, we are here with Lisa today, and she's about to experience a reverse trike, tadpole trike, two-wheel in-front e-trike for the very first time. Lisa's ridden other regular conventional e-trikes, and this is gonna be her first time. So are you ready to, this is the sixthreezero EZ Transit reverse trike. And you ready, Lisa?

Lisa: I am.

Dustin: All right. So you can go ahead and adjust the seat, too, as you see fit. So on the man tighten that one on this one, there's a double seat post. You can loosen the bolt, too, on the other side just just loosen a little bit. There you go. And then that should clamp down easier. There you go. Okay, so this is a 750-watt rear hub motor. The front two wheels lean. So you're gonna have to keep it stable to ride. You can see how it moves. Are you prepped and ready?

Lisa: Yes, we'll see.

Dustin: So she's got it all powered on. Go ahead. You can see how nimble it is with the wheels leaning. Different, right?

Lisa: Fast.

Dustin: What do you think?

Lisa: Yeah, it's really weird when you get to a tight turn. I feel like I have to put my foot down. I don't.

Dustin: Yeah, it takes a little getting used to because it doesn't ride like a regular trike, right?

Lisa: Right.

Dustin: So why did you put you just put your foot down because you don't trust the front wheels? Yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go. You almost lean like you do on a regular bike. Try the reverse option. Watch. Yeah, you gotta keep your feet down for the reverse. Yeah. Cool. Well, there you got a first-time rider on the two front wheels. You can see it's easy to get adapted to. It's different, but you have some versatility with the leaning front wheels. So good option if you're looking for an e-trike. It's fun.


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