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Electric Recumbent Trike Fits Riders 4'11" to 6'2" - Most Comfortable Electric Tricycle There is!

Today we're going to size and fit riders 4'11 to 6'2 on the Easy Rider Compact Mobility E-Trike. And we're going to see how we can adjust it so it can fit them perfectly and go for a ride. So let's go ahead and start with our 4'11 rider. All right, now before we get into the fittings on the Easy Rider Compact E-Trike Mobility Scooter, wanna walk you through some of the features of this electric tricycle. Now, it's a 500-watt front hub motor and you've got a 15 amp hour battery. So you can hit top speeds of 16 miles an hour by just using the throttle and 16 miles an hour in pedal assist. You've got a 7-speed derailleur that's going to come on this, which is going to allow you to have 7 speeds you can shift from, just like on a bicycle. Gear 1 will be easier to pedal, 7 will be the hardest, but you can get going the fastest. It has a twist throttle here, so you can twist it to go if you don't want to pedal at all. You've got a full-color display here where you can adjust your pedal assist levels. Your battery is going to allow a range of up to 50 miles, depending on the weight of the rider, and the terrain you're riding. and how you use the pedal assist or the throttle on your rides. The more throttle you use, the faster you'll drain the battery. If you use pedal assist in lower levels, you're going to get more range out of the battery. Now, you have a seat that can slide forward and backward. In the sizing videos, we have left the seat all the way forward. And we also have, which is going to be for sale on our website, these backpads. Now, depending on the height of the rider, we've doubled up the backpack. for our shorter riders, and you'll see that they all still find it very comfortable, and you can sit down. Now for me, I don't need to be this far forward, but you get the point. Now the other cool thing here is the adjustable handlebars, which you're gonna see in the video, how we adjust those, and how you can steer and ride.

Dustin: So all of our riders, 4'11 to 6'2, take a ride on it, we fit them to it, and you're gonna see how this performs. Okay, I'm here with Suzanne now who's 4'11 and has a 24-inch inseam and your arms were 17 inches. So we're gonna make some modifications for production, but we also have some backrests here. So what we're gonna do is put these on and this is gonna help quite a bit with the positioning for her. So we just strap these both on like so, and go ahead and have a seat now. Okay, now from there, that feels comfortable, right, with the backrest.

Suzanne: Oh yeah, very comfortable.

Dustin: Okay. And what I wanted to show on camera then, if our cameraman can pan with us. Just show us how you can make one pedal rotation. Perfect. And is that okay, in terms of the reach?

Suzanne: Oh yeah.

Dustin: Okay. We do have a reverse option, but for the sake of this video, I'm just going to go ahead and push her backward. So now the other thing is how do the handlebars feel?

Suzanne: They feel good. They're they feel a little close, honestly, but not uncomfortable by any means.

Dustin: OK.

Suzanne: It might be just because I'm naturally used to reaching for things.

Dustin: Well, we can eat. So the cool thing is we got this easily adjustable feature so we can bring them farther. You can bring them closer, whatever you prefer.

Suzanne: Maybe they were pretty about right. Maybe right here. It feels good. Yeah.

Dustin: So I must try to shift this over to the middle here. Okay, there we go. All right, find your spot.

Suzanne: Yeah, like right here feels good.

Dustin: Cool. And we accidentally popped a wire out here, so let's get that back in. The good thing is, on all the wiring, there are arrows. There we go. So doesn't it feel kind of nice with the bars?

Suzanne: Very nice. It's extremely comfortable. It feels like I'm just sitting in a very comfortable chair and can pedal.

Dustin: Cool.

Suzanne: So it feels good, yeah.

Dustin: So there we have it. We've got a good fit for Suzanne at 4’11” with a 24-inch inseam. Let's move up to our five-foot rider. Okay, now we're here with Ashley, who is five feet tall. She has a much taller inseam, 29 inches, than our 4’11” rider. And what was your arm's length again?

Ashley: 19.

Dustin: 19 inches. So I left the two back pillows here, but let's go ahead and hop on and see.

Ashley: Sounds good.

Dustin: Feel okay? 

Ashley: Yeah.

Dustin: Yeah. Go ahead and take, uh, did I leave the, yeah, go ahead and do a pedal rotation. See how it feels in terms of the reach of your feet. Comfortable? Ashley: Yeah.

Dustin: Now how about the handlebars? Bringing you back here. You're all good. Okay.

Ashley: So I feel like I can lean back a little bit and relax a little.

Dustin: Does that feel better when you lean back a little?

Ashley: Yeah, this is fun.

Dustin: Perfect. So you like the bars there?

Ashley: Yeah. I like to go down the beach on this.

Dustin: Cool. All right. Well, there we have it. Found a good position. Oh, here we can pull the brake. Go ahead and pull it. I got it for you. And then we can put our parking brake in. Let's do this one. There you go. Now you won't roll away on us. Cool. So we got a good fit for Ashley. Let's move up to our five-foot-one rider. Okay, now we're here with Victoria at five foot one with a 29-inch inseam and 17-inch arms. So go ahead and have a seat. How does that feel?

Victoria: That feels close to here.

Dustin: To the bars?

Victoria: Yeah, to the bars.

Dustin: Yeah, okay. So we can pull them away. You can have them up here. They're going to be a little bit high. 

Victoria: Like this, yeah.

Dustin: Like that? Better? Okay. So let's go ahead and clamp that down. And how does your feet feel? Go ahead and take a pedal rotation for me. Push forward. Oh wait, did I lock that brake in too? Sorry, there you go.

Victoria: Oh, cool.

Dustin: How does that feel in terms of your feet?

Victoria: That feels good. Maybe just a little short. Maybe this.

Dustin: Do you want to be back more?

Victoria: Yes.

Dustin: Okay, so we can try to adjust that well actually just try to shift your butt back a little more if you can.

Victoria: Okay. Oh yeah, that feels better I think.

Dustin: All right, there we have it. Okay, okay. Alrighty so we got a good fit for Victoria. She wanted the bars a little bit away at five foot one. Let's move on to our five-foot-two rider. Okay, now I'm here with Katie who's five foot two. She has a 27-inch inseam and 16-and-a-half-inch arm length. Go ahead and sit down and see.

Katie: This is comfy.

Dustin: How do you like the handlebars? Let's go ahead and take it, pull the brake in and then this will pop up. There you go. Now try to take a pedal rotation or two, and pedal forward. How does that feel in terms of reaching the pedals? Katie: Totally comfortable.

Dustin: Okay. All right, let's bring you backward. Okay. And the handlebars are all good?

Katie: Yeah, it feels good. It feels like I'm in control.

Dustin: We can bring them down in, no? Good?

Katie: They could potentially go out a little bit, yeah.

Dustin: Farther away?

Katie: Yeah, further away.

Dustin: Okay. See, I sometimes like them like, because you're kind of like really like, you know, but it's up to every rider. 

Katie: Yeah, I mean, it would probably take some getting used to.

Dustin: Got it.

Katie: But it is comfortable, yeah.

Dustin: We can put it wherever you like it.

Katie: This is probably good, yeah.

Dustin: Okay, cool. So you can see how easy it is to adjust the handlebars, which is awesome. And there we have it. Feels good. It's fun, right? It's kind of fun, and comfortable. Cool. We got a good fit at five foot two. Let's move on to our five-foot-three rider. OK, now we're here with Stephanie. She's got a 26-inch inseam and 17-inch arms and she's five foot three. OK, go ahead and sit down. Okay, and then pull that brake till this pops out. There you go, now let go. Oh, let me see, a little more. There we go. Okay, go ahead and do a pedal rotation. Let's see how your legs can reach. Does that feel okay?

Stephanie: Yeah.

Dustin: Okay, hit the brake. I'll back you up. Comfortable. How about the handlebars? How do those feel?

Stephanie: They feel a little bit close, but…

Dustin: Okay. Boop. And we'll demonstrate the reverse option, the electric reverse option in a different video. For the sake of simplicity, I'm doing the manual push here. So too close?

Stephanie: Yeah.

Dustin: Okay, so you just lift this, and you can go ahead and find. Feels good, feels comfortable? All right, so we got a good fit for Stephanie at five foot, Three. Let's move up to our 5'4 rider. Okay, now we're here with Maria, who's 5'4. What was your inseam again? 28? And arm length is 18. So go ahead and sit down. Let's see. And how does that feel for you?

Maria: I feel like I'm a little close.

Dustin: To the bars?

Maria: Yes.

Dustin: Okay. Do you want to see... Now they're going to be a little high the farther we push them away.

Maria: No, this is good.

Dustin: Good. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Pull the brake till this pops out one more time. Click it a little farther. There you go. And let's go ahead and do a pedal. That looks pretty good. How was that?

Maria: Feels good.

Dustin: Yeah. All right. Sorry. Coming backward here. Okay, so the good news is we can always adjust the bars to different heights and lengths, or sorry, tilt and closeness to the body so we can find a good fit. So Maria's got a good fit there at five foot four. Let's move up to our five-foot-five rider. Okay, now we're here with Tasha. She's 5'5", 29-inch inseam and 18.5-inch arms. Go ahead and have a seat.

Tasha: Oh, that's comfy.

Dustin: Yeah? Perfect. So, your feet feel okay, the position there? How about the handlebars?

Tasha: Yeah, they feel good.

Dustin: One thing I want to show... A lot of people like them up here. I want to show people another option, which is... I like to keep them closer. So bring them down and then lower your arms. So sometimes, and now that's just a whole different kind of position, but for the people that don't want to be reaching or you want it, you can get it right here and it just becomes kind of a whole different riding experience. So, we'll bring them back up to where you want them.

Tasha: Yeah, that's good.

Dustin: Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of like, and if we had the arm wrestle higher, you could even rest your armrest. That's what we're going to try to, do on the next one, then you can kinda just sit here. It's relaxed and comfortable. So go ahead and take a few pedals down here. Comfortable, right? All right, you can stop. I'll back you up. Okay. All right, perfect. So we got a good fit for Tasha at five foot five. Let's move up to our five-foot-six rider. Okay. Now we're here with Madeline who's five foot six. She's got a 33-inch inseam. And what was your arm's length? Madeline: 19. 

Dustin: 19 inches. Go ahead and have a seat. So at some point, we're going to want to get these extra lumbar back supports out of here. We'll see maybe Madeline, but still actually looks cause you're the more, the benefit of these soft ones is you can compress them as little or as much as you want. So it adds nice support. How does that feel?

Madeline: That feels good. I mean, I don't know if I need this.

Dustin: Okay, we can take one off. We'll give it a try.

Madeline: Yeah.

Dustin: So there we go. Try it with just that one and see.

Madeline: Oh yeah, I like this better.

Dustin: Better? And can your feet still reach okay?

Madeline: Yeah.

Dustin: Okay, perfect. And how about the handlebars?

Madeline: Yep.

Dustin: Good?

Madeline: Yep. 

Dustin: Okay, go ahead and take some pedals down there for us. Let's see. Perfect. Good. All right. Hit the brake there. Comfortable, right?

Madeline: Yeah, very comfortable. I like this one.

Dustin: Let's steer you back here. Perfect. So as we got into our 5'6 rider, we could reduce the back support. So let's move up to our 5'7 rider. Okay, now we're moving into our taller riders. We're going to go from 5'7 to 6'2, and we're going to see how they fit on the Easy Rider Compact. All right, we're with Peter now. He's 5'7". He's got a 30-inch inseam and 19-inch arms. Go ahead and have a seat. And I've got the backrest on there. Does that feel good like that? Yeah? Okay. And how do the handlebars feel?

Peter: Perfect. Start here

Dustin: Because we can... Let me show you what we can do. You can just lift that, and you can…

Peter: Yeah, I kind of like how they were.

Dustin: Okay.

Peter: B in the elbow.

Dustin: Right there? Okay, cool. And then how do your feet feel reaching down on the pedals? Let me see. Pull the brake. There you go. Now try to just pedal a little bit. I'm just curious. Does that feel okay? Yep. You can reach okay. No problem. All right.

Peter: I'm not reaching at all.

Dustin: Comfortable. Perfect. All right. We got a good fit for Peter at five foot seven. Then let's move up to, we don't have a five-foot rider today, so we're going to move up to five foot nine. Cool. All right. We're with Jason now. He's five foot nine. He's got a 30-inch inseam and 21-inch arms. Go ahead and have a seat. And you can reach the pedals. Okay. Does it feel too close? I'm just curious. Like, so let's just, do you like the backrest there? Let me see. Let me pull.

Jason: That's better. Yeah.

Dustin: Yeah. Let's see. Pedal backward here for me. So that's going to be, stop it right, move forward a little bit. Forward, forward, right there. So that's kind of in the farthest position forward. Can you reach okay without the backrest?

Jason: Yeah.

Dustin: Yeah? Okay. And how do the handlebars feel? Because we can move those, pop this, and then you can kind of find what you like best.

Jason: Right here.

Dustin: Yeah? Okay. All right, there we go. We got Jason. We took the backrest out for him at 5'9” with a 30-inch inseam. Let's move up to our 5'10” rider. All right, I'm here with Travis now. He's 5'10”. He has a 29-inch inseam. So again, the inseam is a bigger indicator because as we move up in height, it doesn't mean the inseam goes up as well. We could have longer torsos. He's got 21-inch arms. And go ahead and have a seat. I pulled the backrest out, but we'll see if he needs it. Okay, now back in the farthest position forward right there, do you feel like you can pedal okay?

Travis: Yeah.

Dustin: Yeah, okay. And how about the handlebar position?

Travis: I think it's perfect. 

Dustin: Do you like it? Yeah. Let me loosen it just so you can feel it because sometimes you can bring them like this or…

Travis: I think too low.

Dustin: Let go for one second. I'm just going to move this into the middle for you. Okay, now go ahead. Yeah, just find what you like.

Travis: Right here is good.

Dustin: Okay. All right, there we have it. It looks like a comfortable…

Travis: This is better than my chair at home.

Dustin: Cool. So we got a good fit for Travis at 5'10". Let's check out our 5'11 rider. Okay, we're with Kyle now. He's 5'11". He's got a 27-inch inseam and 22-inch arms. So go ahead and have a seat. Okay. Now if you sit back, does that feel okay? Are you able to reach the pedals? Okay?

Kyle: Yeah.

Dustin: Yeah. Okay. How about the handlebars?

Kyle: It's a pretty comfortable height.

Dustin: Okay. Well, there we go. So we got a good fit for him at 5'11". He's relaxed and comfortable. Let's move up to our six-foot rider. All right. I'm here with Braxton now. He's six feet tall, 33-inch inseam and 22-inch arms. Go ahead and have a seat. All right. Let's see. How does that feel?

Kyle: Not bad.

Dustin: How do you?

Kyle: It feels like I could go a little bit further out on the pedals, but otherwise, you know, pretty good.

Dustin: Okay. Try, pull your foot back all the way around.

Kyle: Sorry.

Dustin: Try it right put your foot because that's going to be your farthest position. 

So that's about where you want it to be in terms of your knee bend.

Kyle: Okay.

Dustin: Um, how do these feel?

Kyle: This feels good. I like it. Uh, I get a little bit lower.

Dustin: Yeah?

Kyle: Instead of, you know, super high up.

Dustin: Yeah, yeah.

Kyle: That feels good.

Dustin: Cool. All right, there we go. Good fit for Braxton at six foot let's move on to our six foot one rider. Okay, I'm here with Mike now. He's six foot one he's got 32 inch inseam and 23-inch arms. Okay, have a seat. Can you shift back? Can your butt go back at all? Or is that as far back on the seat as it goes? There you go, a little bit more. How does that feel? 

Mike: It feels great.

Dustin: Handlebars, do you want them farther away?

Mike: Come a little lower.

Dustin: Lower? Yeah.

Mike: Yeah, it feels good.

Dustin: Feel comfortable?

Mike: It does. I feel like I get a nice extension on my legs.

Dustin: Perfect. All right. So we got a good fit. For our six-foot-one rider, let's move up to six-foot-two. Okay, we're with Ryan now. He's six foot two. He said 32-and-a-half inch inseam and 24-inch arms. Okay, have a seat. And then put your feet on the pedals for me. How does that feel comfort-wise?

Ryan: I mean, look, it feels comfortable. I can go a little, you know.

Dustin: Grab onto the bars?

Ryan: Yeah. I could even do one of these.

Dustin: Whatever feels good for you. Yeah, right here. Okay. He has our longest arm, so he likes them to be a little bit farther away, which is great. You have this easily adjustable right here. We're going to do another video where you'll see them all take a test ride. So you have a good comfortable fit, right? Yeah. For Ryan.

Ryan: Yeah.

And that's all of our rider heights. All right, so we just fit and sized riders 4’11” to 6 foot 2 on the easy rider compact electric mobility Trike. If you have any other questions at all, please reach out to us at, or call us, at 310-982-2877. Go to our website if you want to learn more about it. Also, we offer a 30-day test ride, your e-trike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we'll take care of it, parts and labor. And lastly, join our Facebook group, sixthreezero Pedalers. There are thousands of members in the group. Jump in there and connect with the existing sixthreezero riders before you purchase. Then when you have your e-bike, post in the group, and make friends. It's so much fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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