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Electric Biking on Streets Tips - Bicycle Riding in Traffic

Hey guys, Dustin here, CEO of Sixthreezero, and today I'm going to show you how to safely navigate the streets on an electric bike. Stick around.

Okay. So today we're going to show you how to safely navigate the streets on an electric bike because electric bikes are dangerous and it's really important to know the rules of the road and how to ride an E-bike on the streets. So today we're going to just show you a little bit about how we navigate the streets and explain to you the dos and don'ts when you're riding your electric bike on a street. So before we get started though, hit subscribe, and follow along with us here at Sixthreezero so you can be the first to know about all the new content and giveaways we are doing for bikes, E-bikes, and accessories. So we're going to get on the bikes, get saddled up, and get riding. So come along with us.

Okay, so we are on the street just down from our office. A couple of things just to start off. So in California, if there's a bike lane, you have to by law travel in the same direction of the cars in the bike lane. Now, we're going to be riding on a couple of streets without a bike lane. So in this situation, by law cars have to share the road with you. Now, if there's not ample space for us to be on the right side of the lane, we are allowed by law to take over the lane. Now, technically we're not supposed to take over the lane if there's enough room to safely share. So if there's enough space for us to safely share the right-hand side, we stay on the right-hand side. If we need to take over the lane, we will if there's not ample space to share. We can also take over the lane if we are making a left-hand turn. So if we are going to go from the street to the left-hand lane, we can take over that left-hand lane as we're going to turn.

So let's go down here and we're just going to navigate. Now, important to remember, that you got to obey all the rules of the road if you're on an E-bike or a bike. So let's do this. So we've got our first stop sign up here. Now it seems basic, but I see a lot of cyclists, especially I think people that are new to cycling... Now, here we are, we're just sharing the lane and we're going to let the car have the right of way. Now, cars are obviously supposed to share with us, but we want to make sure this is a safe experience for us and them. So when we're on the streets, we need to be highly aware of everything. Now, we are expecting cars to treat us equally, but we want to be highly aware. Okay, we're clear and now I'm going to go and we have a bike lane here.

So again, we're just going to stay in the lane that is on the right-hand side. And wherever you want to be in this lane is totally up to you. Now, one thing I would highly recommend that we don't have today are mirrors, which would give us the ability to look behind us, especially with E-bikes because they go a lot faster than regular bikes. The mirror would be just so we can know what's coming. All right, so we see... Go ahead and shift here. All right. Now I'm going to show you up here how to safely navigate this left-hand turn and then we're going to actually go down to a much busier street and I'll show you. So what I was saying about taking over a lane is right here, we want to turn left so no cars are coming, but I would signal like this so everyone behind me knows and I would come into this lane.

Now, I'm turning left here, I can take over the lane, meaning I'm acting as a car, I'm going to check, I should signal as well and ride through the turn. And now we've safely navigated through that. Okay. Now for the sake of this video, I'm just going to make a U-turn and now we are going to make a left out of here. All right. Now it's just like another stop sign. Again, if there are cars behind you when we're turning left, you should take over this lane. Okay, so now I'm back at the stop sign and we're going to make a left. So I took over the lane, meaning I'm occupying this like a car, and we want to signal if there were cars behind us. And this is a pretty blind turn, so I want to make sure... in this case, I'm going to try to listen for cars. So it sounds clear enough. Now if there's a car behind me, I would want to signal to them.

And now let's go and let's get out here as quick as possible. All right, and there we go. All right, now we're safely back in the bike lane. Okay. So we're going to show you... I'm going to navigate now, we're going to go through this stoplight, it may turn red, it may turn green, but I'm just going to show you. We're just going to go through... we're going to check both ways, we're going to go through the green like a car. Now I'm going to also show you how to navigate from a bike lane to a non-bike lane. We're just going to stay to the right, but this bike lane is going to go away. Okay. We got a yellow light, so I'm not going to take over the lane, I'm just going to stay in my bike lane and stay to the right and we have to stop. Oh, now we can go and I have the right of way. So everyone needs to stop, we're just like a car.

Now the bike lane is gone, so we want to stay to the right and allow cars to pass by us. Now I want to show you something right here. We have a car behind us. I'm actually going to signal to make a left and we are going to take over the lane right here and we are going to make the left-hand turn like we are car. All right. Now we are through the light. Now we want to get back over and now there's no... we want to get back over here and now we are safely in the bike lane. Now I should have signaled to mean we were coming to the right, but there were no cars behind me, I checked. So that's just a perfect example of you want to make that left turn, you signal, you take over the lane and then get back to the bike lane if it's an option and we can safely travel through the bike lane.

Okay, so I'm going to make another left-hand turn. I'm going to wait till the traffic is clear. So right now I see no cars, I'm going to signal regardless just to let everyone know. Okay. Now we're coming across and now we've got our left-hand turn lane up here. And now we are again, we are acting as a car in this situation. So in this case, what we're going to do is we are going to wait here as if we are cars to make our left-hand turn and then once we make this left, we are going to stay to the right of the lane. So in this case, this is what you do. You take over the lane, you wait in the left-hand lane and we are going to wait for the green light, and then once we make it, we will stay to the right and share the lane.

So we're waiting, it's yellow now and we are going to get ready to go straight through this. So we got our green, let's go, and let's try to get through this intersection as quickly as possible. Now again, we're just going to go to the right here and we are safely through and now we're back to sharing the road with the cars. And let them go. Now, the speed limit here is 35. Another important rule, if we are traveling at the same speed as cars, so if you can pedal... if you're in the neighborhood at 25 miles an hour and you can go 25, you are allowed to take over the lane completely. But if you're not keeping up with the speed of traffic, it's 35, we are not keeping up with that, we stay to the right and we share the road with cars. So just like back on that busy street, that's 45 miles an hour, we stay in our bike lane or we stay to the right of the road because we're not moving at a speed keeping up with them.

In some situations, E-bikes or cars, depending on how fast or how strong the rider's legs are, can be going 25, 30, 35, or 40 miles an hour. A lot of times road cyclists on downhills can hit 40, or 50. In that situation, they are legally allowed to take over. So we got two cars coming, so let's get over to the right, give them ample space to get by and they graciously got over to the left lane. Now we got two more cars coming, let's just let them go by as well. Let's stay as far to the right as we can. And you can see most cars are respectful. We got two back behind us now. Most people are getting to the left-hand lane, which is very nice of them to make sure they allow space for us. You can see they went around us. So thank you very much for doing that. All right.

Okay, so we're going to show you just how to navigate this stop sign up here. And I think for the average car driver, you probably already know this, but we're going to come down here. So now there's no bike lane, so we're going to stay to the right, but we need to get over to the left. So we have to make our signal. And now we're going to take over the lane and safely get into the left-hand turn lane at the stop sign, see the beautiful view and now we need to navigate this like a normal... So this is a... cross traffic does not stop. So we're going to come to a stop here and now I'm just going to wait for this next car and signal and go. And now we got a car coming behind us. Now there's a bike lane and we just make our way straight into the bike lane.

Okay, now we got to make one more left-hand turn and so I'm going to check, signal, and make my way over and we become a car at this point. And now we just wait in this lane as if we are a car. Now obviously riding in the street, if you're not comfortable with this, please stay on the trails or smaller sidewalks... or smaller streets that are a little more safe. But I think it's important if you're going to be out there and navigating riding your E-bike around, you really want to make sure you understand the rules of the road to protect yourself and others. Okay, here we go, green light, we have the arrow and luckily we have another bike lane and we go straight into the lane.

All right, so today we showed you a little bit about how to safely navigate the streets on your E-bike. Remember, if you're out there riding an E-bike on the streets, please obey the rules of the road and make sure you look up the rules for bikes and E-bikes in your area. I already mentioned the three things in California that are really important to remember when riding a bike or E-bike on the streets. So if you have other questions, please comment below or shoot us an email at or call us at (310) 982-2877. Also, if you're in the market for an E-bike, check us out at We have men's, women's, all types and you can take our proprietary body fit quiz on our website, answer a few questions about your body and your life and our proprietary algorithm will recommend the perfect E-bike for you.

In addition, we have a test ride your E-bike policy within 30 days if you don't love your bike, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition, join our community before you purchase and after. Before you purchase, it's a great place to talk to other riders, hear their experiences and ask questions you may have about our E-bikes and the types of models or whatever you'd like to know. After you purchase, the app is a great thing to download. Track your rides, be a part of the community, can also download the app in advance of purchasing and see how others are riding their E-bikes, how many miles they're logging, and then of course when you have your E-bike, post photos in the Peddlers group, make friends. It's a lot of fun. Thank you for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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