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E Trike Info: Do You Need Gears on your Electric Tricycle?

Electric tricycles with gears. Do you need them or not need them?

Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today I'm going to talk to you about electric tricycle gears, whether or not you need them or don't need them. All right, so right here, I've got two of our electric tricycles, our Easy Transit Foldable e-trike, and also our Evryjourney Cruising hybrid electric trike 750 watts, 250 watts. Now, both of these electric trikes have seven speeds. So they've got, this one's a trigger shifter seven-speed, this one is a twist shifter. Just means trigger shifter, you push the button to shift, but this one you just twist to shift. Now, the benefit of seven speeds, I find, is particularly when you wanna ride your tricycle without pedaling, or sorry, without the motor.

If you are interested in riding your electric trike without using assistance or you want to use very low assistance, having the gears is beneficial because it gives you some range with the assistance, how difficult, and how easy it is to pedal. Now, when you talk about single-speed trikes, you only have one gear. Now, you can set up that gear to either be difficult to pedal, meaning it's going to be better as you get to higher speeds, or easier to pedal, which means it'll be better at lower speeds or for climbing hills. Now, the benefit of again the downside of a single speed is you may be able to gear it up to sync up with your highest level of pedal assist, and that may all be all well and good. So if you're a rider that likes to go fast, having a gear that's geared probably in the range of like a 14 to 15 type gear, maybe even higher, will sync up with your pedaling at the highest level of pedal assist. Now, our trikes, we don't do that because these are cruising trikes, e-trikes. We wanna be able to have our riders ride at leisurely paces and most people aren't trying, most people who ride our e-trikes are not trying to go at maximum top speed and fly around. Now, you can do that, and you can still reach 16 miles an hour with a pedal assist in both of these electric trikes. Evryjourney is more like 14 or 15 miles an hour. But the benefit to these seven speeds in particular is if you have hills to climb, now you have a really easy gear to go into. And also, if you like to cruise at leisurely paces, you can put it into gear one and it's going to be very simple to pedal. The benefit also, as I said, is if you want to get exercise and not use the motor, having the seven speeds will be great.

So when you have an electric trike with gears, there's this struggle of matching up the pedal assist and the gears, and what are you trying to design it for? You can try to design the gears more for top speeds, or you can try to design the gears more for cruising speeds. Quite honestly, it's never going to be perfect. Every electric trike you encounter out there, the gears are going to, whether it's a single-speed or a seven-speed, there's going to be moments where the pedal assist either feels like too much or too little. As an example, if you have a single-speed trike and you only have you put it into level one of pedal assist, it may be too difficult to pedal or it might be very difficult to pedal in level one with a single gear that's geared very high. But that single gear may feel great as you get into higher speeds. So it's just something to think about and make sure that for the type of riding that you want to do, you're finding the correct type of electric trike, the correct type of gear ratio, and just be clear about how fast you want to go. Where do you want to ride? Do you have hills on your rides? All of these different factors will play into the type of setup that you're looking for to accomplish.

Now, if you have any other questions at all about electric tricycles with or without gears, please reach out to or call us at 310-982-2877. We also offer a 30-day test ride on your e-trike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, we'll take care of it. No questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warrant everything for the first year. So anything goes wrong in that first year, we'll take care of it, and get you the parts and labor to ensure you can keep riding. Lastly, pop over to our Facebook group called sixthreezero Pedalers. There are over 7,000 members in that group now. You can ask them questions about their trikes, and their bikes, and see how they've liked their bikes. So before you purchase, talk to them about their experience. And when you have yours, post in the group and make friends. It's a lot of fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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