E-Bikes & Bikes Customised to You
Dustin Gyger
Updated On: July 18, 2024
Are you scared of riding an e-bike? I'll explain why you shouldn't be. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today I'm gonna talk to you about why you shouldn't be scared to ride an e-bike. All right, so let's say you're thinking about getting an electric bike and you've got a little bit of fear in you and you're a little bit scared. Now, fear is a good thing, keeps us safe, right? But I don't think the fear should keep you off of an electric bike. And there are a couple of reasons why. Now, number one, an electric bike in its simplest form is just a bicycle. And the rider has a complete choice around how much or how little they use the electric assistance. So the beauty of it is you can ride your e-bike without using the motor at all, or you can use the least amount of assistance. It's totally up to you. So the benefit is you can use that assistance as you see fit to benefit you. If you only want to use it on hills, only use it on hills. So it's one of these things where it's not a motorcycle, right? Where you have to ride it like a motorcycle. This is a bicycle that has an electric assist option and you can choose to use that or not use it. So it's not like you always have to use the throttle or you always have to use the assistance. You use it as you see fit. So if you get an e-bike and at first you just want to get used to it by pedaling, no problem. Then maybe you just want to use level one. You can use level one as well. So the beauty is is use it as it's advantageous for you and your rides. Now, the other thing about that is there are different types of e-bikes that can also accommodate you as a rider. If you only want to have a pedal assist option and not a throttle, you can get an e-bike without the throttle. If you think that's too much for you, just use the pedal assist.
Also different shapes and sizes. You can see I've got three of our e-bikes here, our Zip and Fold, our Evryjourney, and our 20-inch Simple Step-Thru. You can have a low step-through frame, something that's easy to get on and off. You can have a forward pedaling design, or you can have a folding e-bike. So there are many options out there that can be conducive to your body and your riding that makes it safe for you. So you can find what's best for you. Now, in addition to that, as I said, going back to what I said before, you choose, not only do you choose the assistance. But you choose the speed. So you don't have to go fast. You can pedal easily and go slow. You can pedal fast and go fast. You can turn the motor on and off while you're riding. The other thing is, any time you pull the brakes on an e-bike, it cuts the motor and the assistance stops. So at any point, if you want to cut that motor, pull the brake and you stop. So there are a lot of ways to be safe and ride safe now. You've probably heard there are people who have accidents on e-bikes there are people who have accidents on regular bikes it's no different really on an electric bike than a standard bike it all comes back to the rider ultimately it's how the rider operates the bike and the choices that make they make that make it safe or unsafe so don't be afraid just get educated and practice. If you are going to get an e-bike, take your time learning and getting comfortable with using the assistance. Don't just go straight out on the open road. Start in a parking lot, an open space. Get used to the assistance and the throttle and all these things that work together and take your time. It may take you a month, two months, or three months to get comfortable with an e-bike. It may take you an hour. Do what is right for you. The choice is yours. I think a lot of people prematurely get out there, start using their e-bike, and haven't put in the time and effort to get used to the nuances of it, the differences between an e-bike compared to a regular bike, and they get overconfident.
So, don't be afraid, but make sure you practice, you prepare, and never get overconfident on a bike or an electric bike because overconfidence will lead to bad decisions. Always be aware, always prepare, and you'll stay safe out there, I promise. Lots of options and ways to ride an e-bike so you can be safe. And it's going to change your world once you get onto an electric bike. Rides you never thought were possible, you can do. Hills you could never go up before, now you can do. And trust me, you're going to start going on rides longer than you ever dreamed possible. If you have any other comments or questions, please reach out to us at theteam@sixthreezero.com, or call us at 310-982-2877. We also have a 30-day test ride on your e-bike policy. If you don't love your e-bike in the first 30 days, send it back. No questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we take care of its parts and labor. Lastly, two great ways to connect with our community is our Facebook group, sixthreezero Pedalers. There are thousands of members in there. Connect with them before you purchase so you can... get comfortable with your purchase, then when you have yours, post in the group, make friends and download the app to track your rides and post your rides and compete on the leaderboard. It's a lot of fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey experience enjoy the ride.