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3 Wheeled Electric Bikes for Seniors | E-Bike Questions

Hey guys, Dustin here, CEO of sixthreezero. Today we're going to talk about three-wheeled electric bikes for seniors.

All right, guys. So today we're going to talk about three-wheeled electric bikes for seniors. Now there's a lot of electric bikes on the market. There's a lot of questions about what's right for me. Are they safe for me? An electric three-wheeled bike, or a tricycle, is a great option for senior citizens.

A 3-wheel eBike for seniors is a modern and convenient mode of transportation designed to cater to the specific needs of older adults. These eBikes are equipped with a sturdy and stable three-wheel design, providing enhanced balance and stability for the rider. The electric motor assists the rider in pedaling, making it easier to navigate hilly terrain and longer distances without exerting excessive physical effort. The eBike is fitted with a comfortable and ergonomic seat, ensuring a pleasant riding experience for seniors. Additionally, it features a step-through frame, making it easy for seniors to mount and dismount the bike safely. The eBike is also equipped with safety features such as lights, reflectors, and a horn, enhancing visibility and alerting others to the rider's presence. The design prioritizes ease of use, comfort, and safety, making it an ideal choice for seniors looking for an accessible and enjoyable mode of transportation.

Now, some people may be apprehensive about riding three wheels and a tricycle and this and that, but I have to say there are so many benefits to a three-wheeled electric bike. Number one, the balance. So if you're not comfortable getting back onto a standard two-wheel bike and you've been off a bike for a lot of years, the tricycle is a great option because you don't have to worry about balancing. It's set up in a way where the bike balances itself so you can just get on and start pedaling.

Easy Balance for Seniors On 3 Wheeled Bikes

Now, some people may be apprehensive about riding three wheels and a tricycle and this and that, but I have to say there are so many benefits to a three-wheeled electric bike. Number one, the balance. So if you're not comfortable getting back onto a standard two-wheel bike and you've been off a bike for a lot of years, the tricycle is a great option because you don't have to worry about balancing. It's set up in a way where the bike balances itself so you can just get on and start pedaling.

Now, yes, you do have to steer, but there'll be nothing involved with keeping the momentum of the bike going. You can come to a complete stop. Don't worry about putting your feet on the ground because the bike is going to balance itself. So it eliminates a lot of the risk and a lot of things that can go wrong on a two-wheeled bike on a wheeled electric bicycle, so for senior citizens, it's really a great option. If you've either had your balance get worse over time or don't feel safe balancing on a two wheel bike anymore, a 3 wheeled bike can eliminate the risk of falling. Bikes with three wheels balance and turn completely different from a two wheel standard bike. If you've never ridden a bike with three wheels at first there is a little adjustment. But after an hour or two you'll have the hang of it no problem. As a senior riding a tricycle one of the keys is maintaining a comfortable pace. Managing your speed on turns is important to the balance of the wheels. A good easy pace with keep all three wheels safely on the ground and make turning safe and balanced. As you get more comfortable riding and balancing you can slowly increase your pace. But you'll always want to remember slow down when going into a turn, once the turn is completed then you can accelerate coming out of the turn. Two wheel bikes function a little big differently where the rider wants to maintain a faster pace heading into the turn in order to keep the bike balanced. Since a three wheel ebike will balance on its own, it's best to slow down into the turn, then accelerate on the way out.

You have a big basket, you can fit lots of things in there, and the key, the weight distribution isn't going to affect the riding. Sometimes on a bicycle, if you have things on the racks and you're trying to balance on two wheels, putting all those things on there can make riding a little bit different. So a three-wheeled electric bike is a great option to bring things with you. Usually the cargo basket is located on the rear of the tricycle. The weight limit of these baskets can vary from 10lbs up to usually about 60lbs. It's no uncommon for riders to put their dogs in the rear basket on rides. Just ensure that if you do put your dog in the rear basket that they are locked in with a harness. Also, many times the bottom of the baskets are mesh and their paws can slip through. Putting down a liner in the basket will help keep their feet from slipping through. Having this extra cargo space makes a three wheel electric bike great for all types of things like riding to the pool, picking up groceries or just taking a leisurely ride with your furry friend. As a senior who enjoys the outdoors, bike rides are a great way to keep exercising and get around your community. Having the large cargo basket can make your three wheel bike more practical for your daily trips.

The other benefit to the fact that you don't have to balance is you can also bring a lot of things with you. So if you're going to use the tricycle to go places or to ride in a community or to bring things with you, generally, like on our electric tricycles, you're going to have a big basket in the back. You can put things in there. If you're playing tennis, if you're going to the store, if you're going to the pool, you can put your towels in there. Take things with you. Now, not that you can't do that on bikes, but on a tricycle, you have a much bigger area.

Electric Assist is Great for Seniors

Now, the other thing too, you don't have to worry about with the electric power, now our electric tricycle comes with a 250-watt front motor. It's going to give you enough power to hit about 15, 16 miles an hour. Honestly, that is pretty fast on a bicycle. Even if you're on a two-wheel bike or a trike that's enough power. I wouldn't even suggest going that fast for most people. So if you're looking to get some speed, but want to be safe. Let's say you used to be a bike rider and now you're just not comfortable on two wheels anymore but you still want to get a little bit of speed. A tricycle is a great option because you don't have to worry about balancing like I said. You don't have to worry about breaking, stopping, getting off the bike. You can just stop while on the bike. Having the electric assist as a senior is a huge benefit. But the key is really not having too much power, because with a very large motor there is always a risk of over accelerating. The 250 watt motor on this 3 wheel ebike is more than enough to make hills and long distance rides feel easy. There are five levels of assistance, one giving the least amount of assistance and five giving the most. It's best to utilize level five on big hills and level one, two and three on flat ground. The assistance will be able to power riders up to speeds of 16mph. Which it will be up to you if you want to push your assistance up that high. The other really cool feature is there is a throttle. The throttle is like a gas pedal in a car, except this is activated with your thumb. As you press it, the three wheels start going. You can determine how fast or slow you go based on how hard you press the throttle. This feature is great if you want to give your legs a break on rides. Just use the throttle, stop pedaling and enjoy the breeze. Having the electric motor on a tricycle is a great additional feature. You can choose to use the assistance or not, the choice is yours. If you'd like to take your 3 wheel ebike out for a ride without using the motor, you can definitely do that. So the benefit is that you can do both, ride with the assistance or ride without. That's why for a senior rider it's great to choose an electric trike that has it, and decide ride by ride if you want to turn the assistance on.

Seniors Love Three Wheeled E Bikes

So the tricycle can give you some speed but safely you're balanced. It's a lot of fun and it's super, super easy to ride. I think that's the key. Lastly, with the three-wheeled electric tricycles is I'll say much safer than the two wheels. You don't have to worry about hitting curbs and falling over. Yeah, if you hit a curb it might jostle the bike but it's not going to tip you over. There's a lot more risk on a two-wheeled bike of tipping over, of falling, of falling off. On the electric tricycle, much, much less risk. So we're talking about a good bike for seniors. I believe a three-wheeled electric bike is a great option and it can provide so much freedom for whoever gets on it, whether you want to ride around for a few miles or several miles.

And the other thing I'll say is, even though with three wheels you're going to have a little more drag and resistance on the bike, you're going to have that motor. So if you want to go three, four, five, six, seven miles, no big deal because you can either use the throttle or use the pedal assist. So the benefit is if you have a throttle like on the sixthreezero electric bikes, you can kick that in on the electric tricycle and let the bike do all the work. So you don't have to limit yourself to short rides like half a mile, quarter-mile. You can do a mile, two miles, three miles, four miles, and let the motor do the work for you if you so choose. That's the beauty of it. Either use the motor or don't use the motor, the choice is totally up to you, or use the pedal assist, have it help a little. So it's a great option.

All right. So I hope that helps explain a little bit about three-wheeled electric bikes. A three wheel bike for a senior can really be life changing. If you've given up on bike riding because you've either lost your balance or your leg strength is no longer enough to power a two wheel bike, it's time to check out a 3 wheeled electric bike that's suited for seniors. If you have any other questions, please comment below. We'd love to hear your feedback or shoot us an email,, or call us, (310) 982-2877. And don't forget, go on our website and browse our three-wheeled electric bike selections at the top there under electric bikes. We have some cool colors and a swooping frame design. I think you'll like it.

Also, take our body fit quiz on our website. You're going to fill out some questions about your body, your lifestyle, and our proprietary algorithm's going to recommend the perfect bike for your body and your life.

And don't forget, we have a 365-day return policy. If you don't love your bike within 365 days, send it back. Zero questions asked, no money out of your pocket. Lastly, download our app, sixthreezero Pedaling. Join our community, track your rides, and be a part of the weekly leaderboard giveaways. It's a lot of fun and we give away e-bikes, bikes, and accessories, so download the app, available in iOS and Google Play store. All right. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.

DISCLAIMER: The 365-day return policy mentioned in the video above is no longer valid. Please refer to for the updated policy.


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