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250 Watt EBikes - Who Are They Good For? Electric Bikes w/ 250 watt motor

A 250-watt e-bike, who's it good for?

Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. Today I'm gonna talk to you about a 250-watt e-bike and who it's good for. All right, right here, I have the EvryJourney e-bike which comes in a 250-watt version. Now, 250-watt e-bikes, 350-watt e-bikes, you're seeing a lot of 750-watt, 500 watts, but 250-watt e-bikes are great. And there are a couple of people specifically that I think it's great for. Now, number one, if you're just riding around your community you don't need to be flying around at absolute top speeds. 250 watts is more than enough power. I'm 220 pounds. And on this, I can reach speeds of up to 20 miles an hour. And that's pretty fast.

And so if you don't want to spend the extra bucks on a 500-watt or you don't want to have that much power, because honestly, keeping the motor a little bit smaller can be safer. So it doesn't get out of control or unruly. It's a nice way to just cruise with the 250 watts. I also see this specifically as a great option for families and moms who are maybe riding with other riders and you don't need tons of power because maybe they're riding manual bikes or you're just going at a leisurely pace. Seniors, it's also a great option as well because you're not going to get super thrust, and it's not going to catch you off guard, but it's going to give you enough power, like I said, to still achieve 20 miles an hour. With pedal assist and about 18 miles an hour with a throttle only.

The other thing too is with a reduced motor, typically you can get more range because the battery isn't pulling as much power. Now, on bigger motors, you'll typically have bigger batteries, but you can save bucks with a smaller battery because the 250-watt doesn't need as big of a battery. But again, I'm 220 pounds and 250 watts on flat ground and small hills are great for me. Now lastly, if you're under 180 pounds, 250 watts is gonna do everything for you. Uphills, straightaways, you name it, it's more than enough power to get you around with the pedal assist, with the throttle, and doing things like that. So if you're concerned with safety, you don't need outrageously high top speeds, I would consider a 250-watt. They're gonna cruise nice, you can still go around town, you can still take on some hills. But don't have to worry about that extra power that maybe you don't need.

So, if you have any other questions at all about 250-watt e-bikes, please reach out to us at or call us at 310-982-2877. In addition to that, you have 30 days to test-ride your e-bike. If you don't love your e-bike in the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for up to one year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we're going to take care of it, parts and labor. And lastly, join our Facebook group, sixthreezero Pedalers. Pop over there and you can ask existing riders how they like their e-bike and ask them questions. And when you have yours, join the group or post in the group, to make friends. It's tons of fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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