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Top 3 EBikes for Beginners of 2023

About 90 percent of American adults already know how to ride a two-wheel bicycle. Add a third wheel to make it easier to balance, and almost everybody can cycle.

The popularity of cycling among all age groups makes it easy to understand the growing popularity of electric bicycles. Pedal-equipped, motorized devices combine the familiarity of traditional bikes with the benefits of power assistance from an electric motor and a rechargeable battery.

A battery-powered motor offers many advantages over traditional bikes, including increased range and speed. They also provide benefits over most motor vehicles, like a quiet motor, no emissions, and inexpensive charges from standard power outlets.

The Top Three Electric Bicycles for New E-Cyclists

If you're ready to try an e-bike, consider shopping for a beginner-friendly model. Even though the e-bike market keeps growing, fewer people have experience using a motor to help power a bike. Manufacturers make fairly intuitive controls, but new e-bikers will have an easier time adapting to some models than others. People who haven't ridden an e-bike before will want to explore these top three electric bikes for beginners.

Vivi 26-Inch Electric Mountain Bike: Full-Sized, Affordable E-Bike

Plenty of companies make lightweight electric bikes that fold for storage or transport. Cyclists can store them in closets, stash them in car trunks, and carry them on trains. Most manufacturers make folding e-bikes with smaller frames and wheels to save space and weight. This Vivi folding e-bike stands out because it offers a full-sized frame with 26" tires.

For a folding bike, the Vivi also feels solid and durable. The company markets it as a mountain bike with wider tires and a more robust frame. Still, many cyclists ride their Vivi on city streets, so it's a good choice for general use. Vivi says the 500W motor can travel up to 50 miles between charges in power-assist mode, reaching a top speed of 20MPH. It won't offer the luxurious comfort of the EVRYJourney, but it's great for portability.

View the Vivi 26-Inch Folding Bike on Amazon for $539.

Cozy Trike Electric Tricycle: A Good Starter E-Trike

Lots of folks know how to ride a bike. At the same time, adults tend to get out of the habit. Even though many people can balance a two-wheeler, some folks never learned. Also, as people age, they may not have the balance or flexibility they enjoyed as teens or young adults. Thus, a three-wheel e-bike may offer the ideal solution. Also, the area between the two wheels in the rear can provide an excellent place for transporting gear, supplies, or even a furry friend.

The Cozy Trike comes with three wheels, a 1,000W motor, and the semi-recumbent seat with a backrest ensures a comfortable experience. The frame positions the rider reasonably low to the ground for ease in mounting and stopping. The e-bike comes with a large basket in the back and another in the front. This cycle can travel about 25 miles on a charge in pedal-assist mode, and it even moves in reverse.

Compare the Cozy Trike Electric Tricycle at Walmart for $1,599.

Are E-Bikes Worth the Money?

Americans take billions of bike trips every day. A study from Deloitte reported that electric bikes have begun to trend ahead of EV cars as the most popular kind of electric vehicle. These statistics might surprise some folks. However, a closer look unveils several reasons for the rapidly increasing popularity of e-bikes.

For example:

  • Unlike electric car batteries, e-bike batteries can charge at a standard outlet and require only pennies worth of electricity each time. People concerned that their e-bike battery won't last long enough for a long trip can purchase a second battery or a portable charger and carry it with them for an emergency.
  • The price of e-bikes can vary wildly. At the same time, many reputable manufacturers make e-bikes that sell for in the $1,000 to $2,000 range, compared to an average price tag of over $50,000 for an EV car.
  • Unlike gasoline-powered vehicles, e-bikes run silently and don't generate emissions. A full battery charge costs much less than one gallon of gasoline.
  • The Deloitte study found that consumers liked e-bikes better than traditional bicycles because they offered a more extended range and reduced exertion while still providing a chance to exercise.
  • Over one-third of the survey respondents also said they found e-bikes attractive because they were fun.

Most adults enjoyed bicycling at some point in their lives. Today, cycling on a traditional bike might not offer a practical alternative to cars or mass transit because of distance or concerns over fitness to handle long rides on a bike. An e-bike can provide faster speeds and range while letting riders rely on the motor, pedal with a motor, or pedal without the motor. Plus, just like non-motorized bikes, e-bikes are lots of fun!


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