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Reverse Trike 10 Mile Ride! Taking My Tadpole Electric Tricycle on an Adventure You'll Want to See

I'm going to take my two front-wheel reverse e-trike on a 10-mile ride. All right, I'm on my two-wheel trike, got my motor on. We're just going to go for a ride. Kind of got to walk you through just as we stroll around what I'm feeling, and how it performs. Let's do this. So it's nice with these two-front wheels that tilt, this thing turns on a dime. Now you do have to keep the wheel straight, but you do have good balance with the two wheels in front. Now another video I took on this hill, but we'll take it on right here too. The 750-watt motor, this is no problem. Let me just get into level five, there we go.

Got some pine cones here. This is a treacherous little stretch. There we go. There we go. All right, I'm just gonna go full throttle here. 14. 15. Now I'm going to take a sharp turn here. I just want to show how easily this thing can turn. The brakes work well. Now I wouldn't typically off-road with this but for the sake of showing what we're capable of let's just go down this path a little bit. Wow, pretty muddy down here. All right, we're gonna turn back. Oh wait let's see. Okay, so I'm not recommending you make hard-pack trails, but let's just demo how we can go down here no problem. The beauty of this tilting steering is really how it keeps the bike so balanced because if, like right here, we got a crevasse, that's okay.

One wheel goes down, the other goes up, and you stay on the ground. So it makes going over these bumps not too bad. A little muddy over there. I'll stick right here even though it's muddy here as well. All right now we're into some open terrain Now the fun part's gonna be going back up. All right. Now, see if I can go through this grass. All right, now we're gonna try to go back up, and show you the power of this thing. All right, here we go, back uphill. Now it's a little tricky because I don't want to get my wheels caught in the ditch here. But you can see we're blasting through this, and this is pretty uneven terrain. And I don't have a very large pathway here to navigate. There we go. That was not bad at all. This is uneven. All right, so I just did my 10-mile ride on my reverse folding e-trike. This thing is so much fun. check it out on the sixthreezero website. You can corner, you're more balanced. It's just, it's a fun experience.

If you have any other questions or comments, reach out to us at, or call us, at 310-982-2877. In addition to that 30-day test ride your e-bike policy. If you don't love it in 30 days, send it back. No questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for up to a year. If anything goes wrong, we take care of parts and labor. Lastly, join our Facebook group, sixthreezero Pedalers. Talk to existing riders about how much they like their sixthreezero bikes. Then when you have yours, post in the group, and make friends. It's tons of fun. Thanks for sticking around and don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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