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Can This Reverse FOLDING Electric Trike Fit in a Hatchback? You Won't Believe What Happens

A folding reverse e-trike that can fold up and fit in your hatchback SUV or car. Hey everyone I'm Dustin I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry and right here I've got the Easy Transit Reverse Trike from sixthreezero that we're going to fold up and put in the back of a hatchback. So I've got the Reverse Trike Easy Transit. Wanna see more on this? It's a cool tilting front e-trike. Now, the other cool thing is it folds. So down here, you've got a quick release. You can pull that out. And fold it like so. And from here, I can fold it in half, okay? And there's got a little block down there, we can rest on it. And I can also, take this, and fold the handlebars down. Bring this down, and there we go. Now fold it, okay. Now, from here, We can lift it. I could take the battery off to reduce the weight. I'm also going to just take the seat off to make it a little bit easier to load in.

The battery would reduce it by about eight pounds if you want to put it in there. So let's go ahead and lift right here. Okay. And from there, set it in. And again, it's designed where there's a little block on the front for it to lean. Voila fits no problem and you could put your seat in so you can see how easy that is to fold up now to get it out same process you could probably get two if you turned this one and pushed it to the back and then put another one right here side by side is not going to work but you could push this to the back like this, get one behind the other. So here we go, lifting right here, unfolding, put your two wheels down. Now, also I forgot to mention here that you can fold these pedals too. you just push this like so, and those fold up like that. Now to fold it back together, you pull your pin up like that, you gotta pull this up, then that fits in, push your quick release down, and you're off and running. Put our seat back in, and there you go. So, fits in the back of a hatchback, I don't have my tape measure here. Let me grab it real quick and I'll measure for you. All right, so the hatch opening on this is 30 inches high by 42 and a half inches wide. So it'll easily fit into a hatch if you have a hatch bigger, at least that size or bigger, and even a little bit smaller.

So if you have any other questions at all about the folding reverse e-trike from sixthreezero, reach out to us at, or call us, at 310-982-2877. In addition to that, we're going to allow you to have a 30-day test ride on your e-trike policy. If you don't love it in the first 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that, we're going to warranty everything for up to a year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we'll take care of parts and labor to ensure you can keep riding. And lastly, join our Facebook group, sixthreezero Pedalers. There are thousands of members in there. Talk to existing riders about how they like their bikes. Ask them questions before you get yours. And when you have yours, post in the group, and make friends. It's tons of fun. So thanks for sticking around and don't forget. It's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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